Post 1

Post 1

This week I have gained a better understanding about how i'm going to structure my first TV show, using my own personal library of photos I have drawn some initial sketches of characters which has allowed me to decide which ones will be present in the first show, to ensure that the audience has an immediate attraction to the show, which should then lead to them wanting to watch each show each week.

I have also produced a script for the first show called Sound Of the Sea.

The basic outline of the story is that Andy hears of a mysterious creature swimming around the old sunken pirate ship. He rushes to shore to dive in and meets his friend freddie during his decent. Swimming toward the ship the pair meet other friends across the way until coming across Ollie the octopus who tries to disrupt their journey.

Once they pass Ollie they then go to the ship and find the mysterious creature which is a mermaid called Maurine who has lost her voice. The only way for her to get her voice back is to find a rock on which she can sing from.

Andy knows a good rock where she can sing from and so takes her back to Higgin Island ( Andy's Home ) and they all enjoy one anthers company beneath the stars.

Below are some of the initial drawings that I am going to be developing for next weeks post:

 Initial sketches of the main characters of the Aquatic Andy series

I will be developing these images further so that I have my final characters for the first show. Coloured photos will be posted next week!

Stay tuned!

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